Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Girls will be Girls


When I wanted to photograph these girls at the Hebridean Jewellery Shop because I liked the shop so much-they said what all girls say world wide: We'll stand behind the counter so we look slim! And then promptly went on to prettify themselves by patting things in place!
Some of the designs seemed quite Indian.The Celtic knot remains so impressive.
PVs Celtic tattoo is a must-she spent some time in Ireland working hard and getting to know, I do hope, Mr. Jameson.
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Hoping for a Rainbow


I took this photo from the car as it was too wet and windy to get out and shoot!
I hope Barack Obama becomes America's First African American President on 4 November.
I hope PVs medical check up around that time feels good.
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A quiet landscape


While this part of my visit was filled with clean air, clean water and clean silence, I get the feeling that PV maybe rocking away some where on her time out. I wish her a blast!
Take some wild pictures please for our blog!
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Blogger Medal for harp


While in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, visiting my former boss, I wondered how the blog was doing. Coming home, I find Blogger harp has been so conscientious with her blogging. Thank you so much for your contribution.
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Back home from vacation


Dear friends,
Here I am in Cheshire, posing in the obligatory fashion, next to our young host's sports car. My friend, Caro,who went through chemotherapy, I remember had posed against her daughter's boss's Lamborghini in Muscat, I think. What is it with middle aged women and cars? While a student in America, my friend, drove me around in her BMW sports car at a time when students should look poor.Considering I paid nothing for the image make over, I hope you agree I managed a reasonable deal.
But before I close this post-I spent precious time with an 86 year old friend, an old Kenya hand, now in cancer remission. He and his wife intend coming to Bombay in September. No, I am not organizing a sports car for the airport pick up.
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PVs tips to chemo takers and care givers


Possible Nausea

Nails will darken or become striated

Pain in joints, like knees. Putting ice on the joints gives some relief. If the pain goes to your feet – soak your feet in cold/iced water for a little while.

Hair fall – if your hair loss is severe do not try cutting it short. Instead shave it completely as the short hair falling into your food, on your bed, in your clothes etc is a bigger irritant and can get very messy.

Skin peeling off. If this happens, use a light scrubber like a loofah to scrub off the dead skin on a regular basis.

Discolouration of teeth. Avoid any major dental work while you are on chemo. But brush your teeth gently and floss regularly after meals to ensure that your teeth are not extensively damaged during the treatment.

Numbness in the tips of your fingers and toes.

Dryness in your mouth – suck on boiled sweets or lozenges

Pain in the hands if you are taking the chemo through the veins in your hands. You can apply a cream called ‘Thrombophob’ which will provide some relief. You can also apply ice wrapped in a cloth, on your hands.

You will probably experience constipation. Either ask your doctor to prescribe a laxative or alternatively you could start taking ‘Isabgol’ which is a natural laxative. (One spoon mixed in water every night or every morning).

Small red spots on your skin. These could be a sign your WBC counts are dropping.

For women, you might stop getting your period on time, or at all, for a few months.

You may feel tired more often and feel your energy levels dropping.

Rest as much as you need to and get plenty of sleep.

Check colour of nails and colour of lips. When these look “white” know that haemoglobin levels are dropping.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Procrastination Works!

So while Asha is off on a long vacation, I have been granted one myself. I have no more medical stuff to do until the 4th of November, when I go back for a PET Scan. Which will determine if I need more radiation or not. Hopefully not.

Until, then, I'm doctor free! And I hope, cancer-free too!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The other side to me!

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Away from blog

Fellow bloggers, I am going to London till the 25th of this month. I hope you guys will blog-just write in, say any thing you feel like, simply vent, or whatever. And as Larry King says, "Don't go away!"

Cambodian scarf


This is a gift from mom to PV and for PV this is a much favored scarf.
Is there any one who does not derive comfort from procrastination! I love it as it holds the clock in a fixed position!
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Thursday, October 2, 2008

On a break

I'm on a break from the doctors. Procrastinating has always been a particular talent of mine and I'm using it to the fullest right now!

I am supposed to go back to the oncologist and radiation therapist for another round of recommendations, tests and radiation - but I just dont' feel like it.

I am busy with work - and the stuff involved with quitting work, family and friends, not to mention all the master's admission work that I thought I was done with last year!

And the clincher is - my hair is coming back! All curly just like before- so the dream of chemo straightening out my hair has died a quick death. But still, I love it!